Friday, December 01, 2006

Tancredo Immigration Talk Attacked at MSU

Moo U has a reputation for being a second-rate institution whose football team has become almost as second-rate putrid as Columbia U's, which set an NCAA record a few years back for consecutive losses. MSU is merely competing for consecutive years in the bottom half of the Big Ten, a conference where real men play football, not like the Columbia U. conference for cocktail party athletes [Chuck Shumer told me at a cocktail party that he was the first Jew to play on Harvard's basketball team.] When Tom Tancredo came to talk about immigration at the Law School, it wasn't supposed to be a big deal.

Still, MSU should be able to have free speech, as the school is subsidized by state tax-payers. Columbia is run by a soi-disant "free speech expert" named Bollinger who doesn't seem to recognize free speech for opinions differing from his own or his leftist faculty's. And Columbia is subsidized by private foundations and its own alumni bequests, although many are spinning in their graves at the mess that Bollinger has allowed the school to become. So the disruption of the Columbia speech on immigration last month has the context of being in a hyper-flaky lefty echo-chamber environment.

Tancredo's speech and its sponsors had multiple problems:
Police were called after protestors pulled a fire alarm prior to the speech on immigration policies. There were at least three violent incidents with protestors targeting student backers of the event, Tancredo, R-Littleton, said today.

"One was spit on, one was kicked, and one was punched," Tancredo said in an e-mail. "Tires were also slashed."

This sort of behavior fits the whole episode into the MSU rowdy rep as a second-rate school. [I must confess to being a U. of Mich Ann Arbor grad.] At least the wimpy effete types disrupting the Columbia event didn't get physically violent.
College newspaper The State News reported that protesters carried signs reading "Ignorant Racist" outside the room where the speech was held. They were not allowed in with the signs, the paper said. It also reported that about 40 people attended the speech.

Tancredo said in the email that protestors organized on the Internet social networking site Facebook. "They declared ahead of time on facebook that they would not allow me to speak," Tancredo said in the e-mail.

Can you imagine what an ignorant third-rate scammer like Diane McWhorter would screech and howl if rowdy Young Repubs had disrupted a well-behaved left-wing function [excuse the dialectical impossibility]? This double-digit IQ Pulitzer Prize Winner [Walter Duranty division] would call them Nazis and accuse them of being Hitler-Youth wannabes.

But Tancredo has now earned a platform in the national media thanks to the rubes up in East Lansing. A fellow Karl Rove would not allow into the Bush White House can portray himself as a victim and a martyr for free speech.

Of course, the ignoramuses in East Lansing probably never thought that far ahead, but the leftist haters are stupider than any Young Repubs could ever be.

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