Sunday, December 03, 2006

Bush the Worst President?

Eric Foner is a Marxist prof from Columbia who wrote a book on Reconstruction about four decades ago and has been dining out on it forever.

Leftist nepotism has placed his son Frederic on the masthead of a leftist magazine whose name I forget.

LBJ and Jimmy Carter are the two worst presidents of the twentieth century and phoney Foner doesn't go into these two one-term wonders at all, because they're Dem failures. As far as avoiding terrorist plots, Clinton is below GWB, but since Foner and his ilk support anything opposing Bush Jr., they are more pro-Al-Qaeda than for anything that would support GWB or his policies.

Marxists like Foner and the far-left bloggers who are his claque on this article simply want to adopt the values of Euro-nanny-state paternalistic anti-family statism.

These are the types who clog the arteries of the so-called Northeast Corridor.

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