Monday, December 25, 2006

Penn, Stone Sink at Box Office

Although the Drudge headline to the Variety piece on Hollywood's huge losers somehow accented Russell Crowe and poor Cage [who was not mentioned in the article, which I combed twice] as being the biggest losers, All The King's Men with loudmouth Penn and Basic Instinct 2 with trim Rosie O'Donnell with a slim body Sharon Stone were absolutely two flicks that sank like Stones.

Sharon, of course, who is on a substance I'd like to get my hands on, proclaimed immediately her desire to make a Basic Instinct 3. That's a franchise I'd shun with my vast investment punt money.

Remember all the Oscar talk for ATKM and Penn's "passionate, vibrant, thrilling, yadda, yadda" performance? This short round has probably exceeded his public shelf-life just like Tom Cruise for espousing weirdness in endless iterations.

I've also now made it an informal rule to eschew movies with the overexposed Jude Law, who seems to have been in every other movie since 2004. Meteoric career in the offing, unless Jude somehow can learn to say no to scripts.

Crowe somehow has a lot of that anger that is pulling Penn, O'Donnell, and other public loudmouths into disrepute and box office poison [which Katherine Hepburn also was for a while in her mid-career for different reasons].

And at least for O'Donnell, that anger gets her mug on daily doses of ET, etc, along with her boyfriend The Donald.

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