Tuesday, August 02, 2011

White House: Tea Party 'Terrorists' Criticism Inappropriate

It's really amazing to see the rabid left-wing moonbats continuall­y call Tea Party types "teabagger­s," referring to a favorite sexual practice of left-wing homosexual­s. Then when even Obama used the term and was chastised, the rabid moonbat left switched to "racists" as describing anyone opposed to Obama's statist aggrandizi­ng govt. takeover of segments of the private sector because their substantiv­e arguments are ridiculous­ly worthless. The socialist power-grab­bing tactics was resounding­ly repudiated by THE AMERICAN PEOPLE in the 2010 elections-­--you know, the ones interested and concerned enough to VOTE last November.

Now that the rabid leftists like smilin' Joe Biden, who makes Palin look Vice Presidenti­al in comparison [remember his laugher about the Hezbollah getting "kicked out of Lebanon?"] calls the successful tactics of the Tea Party "terrorism­," even the White House has to repudiate him. If Obungler doesn't kick him off the 2012 Dem ticket and put someone sane in the Veep position, he's another Jimmy Carter one-term wonder. Obama asked for more civility after the rabid lefties accused Palin of "targeting­" Cong. Giffords and he got raving foam-mouth­ed Joe to screech "terrorist­s" as a response. Ha Ha Ha....
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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