Wednesday, August 03, 2011

The Other McCain Analyzes the Insanest Lefties on the "Tewwowist, tewwowist Fwont"

Doucherina Marcotte is arguably as insane as the lunatic madwoman who invented all the lies and slanders against the Duke LaCrosse Team

Hysteria is a word derived from feminine behavior under extreme stress and duress---a word derived from the Greek word for "womb," and related to hysterectomy. Among the female hysterics are Joan Walsh of Salon, Medea Benjamin of PINK and a hyperbolic underdeveloped brain in a woefully mal-constructed body. As frequently is the case with NOW and other hysterics in the female party i.e., The Demonrats, they are sexually confused and very aggressive about their physical and mental malformities. A fellow named Michael Lind descended into the shitpit with these not-exactly-Vestal-Virgins and slung a shovelful of THIS out of his fecal-filled giant latrine:
"The debt ceiling crisis is the latest case in which the radical right in the South has held America hostage until its demands are met. Presidents Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln refused to appease the Southern fanatics. Unfortunately, President Obama and the Democrats in Congress chose not to follow their example and instead gave in. In doing so, they have encouraged the neo-Confederate minority in Congress to find yet another opportunity in the near future to extort concessions from America’s majority by sabotaging America’s government."
[bold in the original]
Of course, the geographically dyslexic Lind probably didn't check Tea Party membership rolls to discern that most of the TP types are north-of-the-Mason/Dixon-Line college grads. Just another brainless slander by a male born with a metaphorical womb.

Not to be outdone by a mere male, Nutjob-in-Chief Amanda Marcotte throws this mudpie against the wall:
"Now it’s time to reflect on how our country has gone so far off track that we can’t even handle the basic responsibility of keeping the country from plunging into a manufactured crisis that nearly led to economic collapse. There are multiple causes, but one that hasn’t been discussed much is abortion.
Yes, abortion.
Or, more specifically, the sustained sex panic that has been going on in this country since the sixties and seventies, when the sexual revolution occurred and women secured their reproductive rights. . . . [I]t’s sex panic that helped create the modern right-wing populist, and it’s the modern right-wing populist that created the current crisis. . . .
The genius of conservative leadership was that they were able to take all this anger about sexual freedom and desegregation and put the blame on two enemies: Democrats and the federal government."

To a hammer like Amanda, every problem is a nail. But Mr. McCain brings us up short:
So it’s neo-Confederates and/or “sex panic” that cause people to, uh . . . . Wait, what are we talking about? The federal debt.
The only way to exempt yourself from these bizarre accusations is to support infinite deficit spending. Otherwise, you’re like a giant inkblot in a Rorshach test, onto which Michael Lind and Amanda Marcotte will project their paranoid fears. You can’t simply debate fiscal policy with people like Lind and Marcotte, because they are endowed with the Magical Mind-Reading Power of Liberalism, which enables them to discern that you’re really a sex-panicked neo-Confederate upset about desegregation and “reproductive rights.”
It’s like having Charles Manson call you a psychotic.

Mr. McCain hits that nail right on the respective hysteric pins on top the the respective pinheads of the two d-bag hysterics. But I thought a couple more comments that are more appropriate than calling Tea Party chiefs "terrorists" might demonstrate to Independents who might have the more valid perspective:
"Only in the bizarro world of Washington is fiscal responsibility .... defined as terrorism,”
Bachmann wrote.

Rep Mike Doyle must have been gulping Jameson shooters to come out with
"These Tea Party People are such terrorists that they won't allow us to spend money..."
Right, Mike. Spending money is the chief opponent those Islamic fanatics are worried about when they put on the suicide vests full of TNT to blow themselves into the arms of 72 virgins while bring those kafiiri demons to hell during their wild ride to Houri Heaven.

The very most insane part of this whole "terrorist" name-calling by certifiably clinically insane Demonrats is that they refuse to call REAL TERRORISTS like Major Hasan, the Ft. Hood "[psychologist???] grenade and pistol killer of thirteen US soldiers a terrorist. They love that word "misunderstood" to define a cold-blooded mass murderer under the influence of a Jihadi Boy=Whore named Awlaki was is by a fluke an AmCit, as we used to clall his ilk for being physically ejected on US soil.

When you sum up all the varieties of mental illness beginning to present on the lunatic left, trying to grapple with the mentality of rabid left-wing moonbats, one soon finds that lexicographers and grammarians are useless---these committed lunatics are living in brains as deranged as Marcotte's, who's actually thrown me off two of her nanny-statist blogsites for brilliantly making sense amidst the bedlam of her NOW d-bag chug-a-luggers...!!!

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