Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Geezer Power

G,.K. Chesterton

David Brooks has a somewhat thoughtful column in today's NYT advocating the usefulness and political power of the elderly. Alright, he basically admits that since the older segment of the population is getting social security and has learned to use levers of voter power and has the leisure to participate in internet-led movements, let's make the best of a fact that won't go away.

Anyway, Brooks somewhat unconvincingly makes a case that the two groundswell movements of the last two years---Obama & the Tea Party Movement, are largely due to geezers and their large amount of free time. Oh well, as a 67.6-year old, I do gym work at LA Fitness, a lot of discretionary reading, and from time to time I blog, mostly to ventilate but occasionally a shaft of light enters my mind and I try to explicate it.

As G.K. Chesterton once said "A thing worth doing is worth doing poorly."

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