Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Does Global Warming Freeze-Out and ObamaCare Collapse Augur End of Obama's Hallucinatory Grandiosity?

Ah, It's Good to be King [of the World]

The American Interest by Walter Russell Mead has a slamdown in diplomatic language of the absolute collapse of the Global Warming hoax, done in by crooked scientists and dishonest UN officials like IRCC Chief & Nobel Prize Winner along with Lyin' Al Gore, Rajendra Pachauri. Indeed, AGW & Cap & Trade encapsulate in miniature the incredible crime spree that the Democrats have been waging against coming generations of Americans by piling up ridiculous taxation legislation, immense deficits, and demonstrating almost daily a complete and total disregard, even disrespect, for what the American people really want.

I can remember when Bill Clinton used to intone about the great collective wisdom of the American people after they re-elected him in 1996 in spite of a rejection of Democrats in both houses of Congress in 1994. Now that the American people have figured out that the elitist scam artists have been trying to foist a ruinous takeover by Big Government through Stealth legislation like the backroom healthcare fiasco, the elites claim the Americans are too stupid to deserve a great POTUS like Barry Soetero. Until recently, Walter Russell Mead had sided cautiously with the Democrats, but now like a true statesman, he has divined the mandate of heaven lies with the GOP in 2010 and now finds fault in the climate change fiasco that Barry was pushing on his second fruitless trip to Copenhagen [the first was the cockamamie Chicago Olympic bid which was rejected in the semi-finals despite Barry's self-esteem and certainty that he was nearly king of the world and could rise in the estimation of foreigners if he just bowed and scraped and sat through enough anti-American harangues by criminals like Chavez & Ortega without visibly flinching.

Berthold Brecht made a famous remark in 1953 after riots by workers made the GDR government observe that the German people did not deserve the wonderful Communist system the Soviets had installed. Brecht, a lifelong Communist, wrote a short poem calling on the GDR to "dissolve the German people and choose itself a new people to communize."

That's how stupid the left-wing elitists in the US MSM like Joe Klein and Keith Olbermann seem to be. Perhaps they can find a new people for Barry Soetero to drag into a super-bureaucrat slave state.

The American people, as they showed in MA, just aren't ready for the glorious future the Demo-cretins had planned.

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