Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Democrats' Peristalsis Produces Giant Movement!

The Wall Street Journal has a thoughtful analysis of what the Bayh departure from the Senate means. John Podesta says it means that the US system of government "sucks." John used to be sane, but that was decades ago.....

The Dems are pushing the same tired watered-down Marxism that prevailed when I worked for Gene McCarthy in '68 on his National Staff [And John Podesta worked with me in a two-man storefront in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn!]. Back then the buzz was about "The Movement," a sort of inevitable progression toward a socialist state mirroring the Social Democrats in Europe with a foreign policy rather benign toward the USSR's imperialism. Indeed, I can remember Gene McCarthy commenting at the Chicago Convention that the crushing of the Velvet Revolution in Prague was "of no importance."

The Wall Street Journal does have the Dems' history rhyming whenever they get their hands on the WH. Peristalsis always prevails. There persists the tendency to tax and spend from statist "commanding heights" which tries to monopolize the levers of power over the economy as well as more traditional American political segments. Sadly, after Carter and Clinton, GWB repeated some of their mistakes almost by inference and unlike Carter and especially Clinton, GWB didn't want to get his hands dirty pushing unpopular legislation such as Social Security reform when it ran into absurd hysterics by Nancy Botox in '05, as she raved about Katrina & blew him off his game. When the Dems are out of power, they always scream "politicize" every issue that presents itself, even if not a traditional sphere of government concern. When they gain power, the Dem's peristalsis kicks in and they autonomously begin to process unconsciously American goods and services, tax them, and turn them into that Giant Movement toward the Great Cesspool of socialism.

Obama appears to be more leftist than Carter or Clinton, coming from a Chicago Machine which is a version of an urban mixed economy. To try to nationalize Chicago's crooked unions and gigantic public sector corruption made us all want to gag and puke---especially independents who thought he might be sincere about transparency. No C-Span for this little o.

This reminds me of Winston Churchill's dictum: "The United States always ends up doing the right thing, but not without exhausting all the possible alternatives."

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