Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Don't Get in a Pissing Match with Mark Steyn!

The Great Steyn, Bane of Global Warming Hoaxers!

A schlub of a Canadian journalist babbles that Steyn and others are negligent:
Under prominent bylines I read that the emails exposed man-made climate change as (a partial list): “the biggest fraud in history” (David Warren, the Ottawa Citizen); “one of the biggest scientific scams of our time” (Charles Adler, blog); “the biggest scientific hoax in a generation” (Lorne Gunter, National Post); and a "racket" (Mark Steyn, National Review). Peter Worthington (Sun) cites approvingly Conrad Black’s verdict that, “global warming… is not, in fact, occurring at all.”

Steyn notes that the schlub quotes from his July 4th column of last year that since 1997, no global warming has occurred at all, and that since then both Phil Jones, the chief of the East Anglia Climate Hoax Gang, and a dude named Tim Flannery have both agreed with Steyn [though outlaw Jones characteristically concealed his agreement:
The scientific community would come down on me in no uncertain terms if I said the world had cooled from 1998.

I wonder if Richard Feynman's ghost is looking down on the pitiful politicized runts who use a patina of fake "science" to pursue patently political goals and nodding, yes, Cargo Cult Science is alive and thriving under the tutelage of NASA and the spineless degenerates who push the Climate Change Hoax, including the Cap-and-Trade deformities pushed by ultra-left cliques in the US Congress. The Canadian schlub accuses Steyn of NOT yelling fire in a crowded theater as it fills with deadly fumes, but Mark comes down with the sh*thammer of God:
Oh, phooey. To take up your dreary analogy, we're staying in our seats enjoying the show while the environmental correspondents run for the exits shrieking ever more hysterically. If you want to flee in terror and roll around in the snow trying to put out imaginary flames, by all means take as long as you like, and then, when the fever passes, feel free to come back in dripping wet. But it's a bit of a stretch to call me a liar when you're the one insisting your pants are on fire.

Bravo, Mark, and thank you for preserving us from the tainted Great White North, freezing but finger-pointing in a pitiful effort to be relevant---to be honest, Canada's National Post is the best newspaper in the Western Hemisphere on the fallacies of the Great GW Hoax and has at leastfifty and perhaps as many as one hundred articles pointing out the ridiculous nature of the fake "science."

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