Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Max Mayfield Smacks Down Midget Waxman as a Liar

Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif. is a silly stooge who has forever been a niggling little apparatchik in the Democrat Mighty Wurlitzer. His nostrils alone should be classified as a hazard for carbon dioxide, as they resemble the entrance & exit to the Holland Tunnel on the Jersey side.

Recently some sneaky lil Dem snoops claimed that Mayfield was somehow pressured into testifying about global warming, and a hilarious Democrat-led investigation into the matter released on Monday:
"I want the record to show that no one forced me to say anything on the subject of climate change and tropical cyclones that I didn't believe at the time," Mayfield told ABC News.

"I accept the fact that global warming is real," Mayfield said. "Most meteorologists with knowledge of tropical cyclones think that there will be some impact from global warming on hurricanes. The debate is over how much of an impact."

He says he never heard from anyone on the committee about the incident. "No one ever asked me about the context in which my testimony was given. No one from this committee or any other Congressional committee ever asked me if I was improperly pressured to change my testimony," Mayfield said.

When one recalls that Mayfield is a respected expert in the field, and the child-man Waxman makes Dennis Kucinich look like Arnold Schwartzenegger, the credibility "problem" is a real slam-dunk, and Waxman's dishonest politicizing of the issue is not subject to question by any rational adult.

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