Sunday, January 01, 2006

"Love has pitched his mansion in The place of excrement"

Robo-bow-wow ultra-leftist Crazy Jane Hamsher must be sampling a lot of that Oregon methamphetamine stuff she’s writing a book about. Her HuffnPuff rant today about Tim Russert and Meet the Press certainly had the aura of the crystal vision that vets on the coke/meth front collectively rhapsodize about.
Meth-mama Crazy Jane [note Yeats reference] wouldn’t understand what Doris Kearns Goodwin was talking about, because it’s so sensible:
Well, you know, oddly I just reread Mr. Bush's Sr.'s "All The Best," which is his letters and diaries, and if the junior would read that, it talks about bipartisanship, it talks about shmoozing with the congressmen, being much more open and being willing to just listen to what people are saying. I think he's taken the negative parts of his father about raising no taxes and not using the political capital. There's a lot of positive pieces in that classy father that are in that book.

"Classy," now there's a word that ain't in the Hamsher lexicon.

Meacham must have had froth-at-the-mouth types like trailer-troll Jane when he observed:

Interestingly, Democrats have come to like defeat, I think, and so they will--I think Gene's right. The hard left will get upset with Hillary for positioning herself in a way that she could win. I think--ultimately I think this is probably McCain v. Hillary, and if I were John McCain, I would raise a--start a PAC to make sure Rudy Giuliani gets in the race so that McCain looks like the centrist, the Reagan figure. He needs--I think George Bush Sr. is the model here for Giuliani. Reagan needed a George Bush Sr. so he didn't look like the most conservative guy in the field in 1980, and I think McCain needs somebody, and it would be Giuliani on that side, to make him look like the centrist Reaganist figure.

Meacham again must have had the HuffnPuffers in mind when he noted about the media:
I think in the media we should be breaking the news and not being the news so much. I think that we have in a way been to much of a player on the stage as ourselves this year, and I think we...
MR. RUSSERT: How do you avoid that?
MR. MEACHAM: I think you just work like hell to get it right and to understand the biographical and human forces on the other guy, on the institutions you're covering. Know that the other institutions are as fallible as yours and with a measure of charity and dignity and respect you write and cover other institutions as you would want to be covered.

I know the word "perspective" isn’t in the vocabulary of Hollyweird hard-left burnt-septum types like the bong-toting Hamsher, but the serious ninety-nine percent of the USA who watch Meet the Press aren’t tuning in for updates on Exempt-Media hyperventilations and suspected-leaker canonizations.

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