Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Mark Steyn has a brilliant piece in today's Wall Street Journal that pretty much sums up the collective demographic suicide that the twittering moonbats purvey to the chattering classes via the MSM.

The blogosphere commentariat ought to go splenetic on the left side of the spectrum, but I have serious doubts that they

1] will read anything in the Wall Street Journal

2] have ever heard of the New Criterion

3] will understand that the narcissistic left contemplates itself in a self-absorbed stupor

4] until nihilistic self-hatred eventually gives the leftist collective an impetus for its

5] lemming-leap moment [or perhaps whimper-moment would best fit the style of the left] into the dustbin of history.

But Steyn says it far better than I'll ever be able to.

Canada's best export to the United States should get a much broader audience among the parts of the MSM, such as Jon Meacham's Newsweek, that remain open to self-examination.

Don't look for Mark Steyn soon on the Op-Ed pages of the NYT, WaPo, or LAT.

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