Friday, November 18, 2005

Woodward's "Atomic Bomb"

Slate Editor-at-Large Jack Shafer claims he sustained coffee stains and first-degree ouch blisters when he read about Bob Woodward's revelation.

Do you ever get the feeling that most journalists believe the sky is falling if one of their own does not behave like a lemming on methamphetimines?

The hyperventilations and hysterics concerning Woodward reflect the funhouse mirrors most ink-stained MSM wretches have become. The fact that one of Woodward's sources informed him of Plame's status a month before the Novak column is "an atomic bomb."

Sure that's not a hydrogen bomb, Jack, or maybe some sort of Neutron Bomb that was developed at a "black site" by a "black program" paid for by a "black budget?"

Then there is the problem of Woodward's confidentiality agreement. Was it written or verbal? Why did the source out Woodward, then insist that his name be kept out of it? Was it VP Cheney trying to get his pal Libby out of his legal jam?

Inquiring minds want to know.

The assumption of icon status in American Journalism by the NYT and WaPo has each of them chipping away at the other, as when an "anonymous" WaPo Comment Board is violated when a WaPo colleague fingerpoints Jonathon Yardley for nasty remarks about Woodward by outing Yardley to the Jason Blair/Judy Miller NYTimes.

Meanwhile, Generation Why? asks the same questions I have posed about the ridiculous liar Wilson who the MSM Lefties follow mindlessly down the path where their Age of Decline is taking them----to endless bickering and parsing and yammering about who is taking the higher [make that less low] road to their goal.

Which is, their goal I mean?

Another Gotcha-game as they overreach toward another Emerald City, another Watergate.

The public cannot get excited, and while Bush's polls subside, so do Congress's and the Press's numbers get down toward the teens.

How many copies of the Deep Throat book got remaindered? The public just ain't buying it.

Thank God for bloggers, [pace Mary Mapes].

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