Monday, April 18, 2011

Max Schoetz article in the Marquette Law Review

Max Schoetz married to my mother's godmother. I found this article in The Marquette Law Review and made the comment below.

Max Schoetz was married to my mother's godmother, Aunt Molly, who was born Amelia Molly Knoernschild and who outlived her very young [early forties at his death] husband Max by fifty-two years & died in Milwaukee in 1979. Max died next to my Great Grandfather Charles William Knoernschild, born in Darmstadt & migrated to Milwaukee at the age of one. Entirely a self-made man, Charles was President of the Vliet Street Bank & very wealthy at his death at age 71, being CEO of four other firms in the Milwaukee area and having achieved this entirely on his own without capital or inheritance. He did not live to see the Depression, which had deleterious effects on all the Knoernschild family businesses. Charles founded the St. Charles Boys Home, which exists today as a school for orphaned and other stressed youth.

As a minor correction, Max was not killed in a streetcar accident, but at the junction of Watertown Plank Road & Hwy 100 at the train tracks. Both died soon after the train hit the automobile and a large bridge, still standing today, was built to carry traffic over the bridge. Max was so highly regarded, family tradition has it, that he was a prospect for political office had the tragic accident not cut him off in his prime.

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