Monday, January 08, 2007

Re-Reconquista of Spain Momentarily Thwarted

The mission creep of resurgent Islam has divined that its population pressures at home and frightful inability to manage employment in population-boom countries like Morocco and Algeria, to name only two, can be mitigated by mass emigration to Europe.

Absent Turkey's accession to the EU, where it would serve as a bridge for Muslims to enter the Euro-job market by sneaking across the Turkish borders, the Muslims have perhaps correctly picked
Spain as the site where, pace Churchill, the true "soft underbelly" of Europe resides. But even though the Socialist government of Spain would love to polish the Saudis' apples, Cardinal Rouco and a Spanish terrorism effort beg to differ.

The obvious way to respond to a request to open a mosque to be built by Saudi money is to ask for reciprocity, the right to build a church or synagogue in Saudi Arabia.

As the Pajamas Media article points out, the real soft underbelly of Europe is the country of Mark Steyn's ancestors, the supine prone supplicants of the country of Belgium, who are so delighted that outsiders actually want to live and work in their charmless land that Catholic bishops implore Muslims to worship in their churches and put blankets over statues of the saints [including the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is mentioned in the Quran].

Now there's a country where host and guest most closely approximate each other!!!

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