Saturday, January 20, 2007

Idiocracy Worth Renting

It's a shame that the Mike Judge flick Idiocracy never went into theaters, but the takedown of FoxNews in the movie might have been too much for the Fox execs to handle. The shame of it all is that this cautionary tale, though filled with strains on one's suspension of disbelief, should serve as a red flag to the chattering nomenklatura that their days as an elite are numbered.

Not that they'd watch a movie which graphically depicts how the failure to "cull the herd," extremely politically incorrect language to begin with, will lead in a few centuries to a moronic dumb and dumber civilization where the "average" Luke Wilson is the smartest man in America.

Hat tip to Steve Sailer for touting this flick, though the carping critic in me keeps wondering how a bunch of dummies could keep electricity running if they use Gatorade for irrigating their crops. Look at Baghdad's grid problems today!

Idiocracy isn't quite as good as Mike Judge's Office Space, already a cult film which my 17-year old daughter turned me onto early last year---her boyfriend is a high IQ pre-med student at U. Miami and watched it for the umpteenth time with us.

But the defunct WASP aristocracy will be closely followed by the present oh-so-socialist LDLs in the ash-heap of history if they don't improve their breeding skills---pace the professoriat that wants to convert college kids to intellectual and procreational sterility.

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