Friday, January 05, 2007

Poisoned Russian Accused of Blackmail

Drudge has a report of a 60 Minutes piece by Bob Simon that implicates murdered Brit citizen Litvenenko in a blackmail scheme, using one source, a Russian grad student in London.

This smacks of classic Russian Sov-style disinformation, of the type that had the East-European Comintern disseminate the deliberate lie that Pope Pius XII helping Hitler catch Jews---absolutely contrary to historical fact [indeed, the Pope was awarded Israel's highest medal for his protection of Jews during the war]. US liberals have been the most avid purveyors of such claptrap, and in the case of the unfortunate Pope Pius, defrocked parricide-wannabes like James Carroll spread the poisonous lies with the fervour of black-mass practitioners in another age.

The Russian agitprop machine has many defenders and while Simon is one of CBS's best reporters, this 60 Minutes piece may be dust in the air to keep Putin's name from being solidly linked to Litvenko's death. Deniability material.

Putin and his KGB crew know all the tricks to throw the hounds off the scent.

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