Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Far Left Bush-bashing in the Boston Globe

Esteemed Republican President Abraham Lincoln is employed by hard-left extremist writer Robert Kuttner not as an example of greatness, but in the undignified role as a foil to President George W. Bush.

Cheap shots at Bush in the Globe, owned by the Liberal Death Star NYT which is busy printing leaks that may damage national security just in order to damage Bush? Who wouldda thunkit?

When a shill for socialism like Kuttner talks about "stacking the courts with ultra-right-wingers," you can rest assured that Roberts and Alito are moderates. It's difficult to go about "fisking" an agitprop machine like Kuttner because so many of his cliches are simply taken from the most recent chattering of the commentariat, such as "Bush lives in a bubble" and "his tiny inner circle."

"Tiny" might better describe the narrow mindset of the Left Coast/Beltway-Boston axes of disinformation that churn out inaccurate and misleading electronic and print propaganda on behalf of the chronic complainers on the far left.

Even when Clinton was President, this noisy claque never stopped whining about the serial neglect that hard-left issues so justly deserve from elected public officials.

It is not enough that these denizens of media and academic hangouts conspire to injure America’s economic security by a drumbeat of misinformation about ANWR or characterize NSA intercepts as invasions of American civil liberties. Leaks to the NYT on counter terrorist measures are applauded as "patriotic." As leftist lunatic Jonathan Alter puts it in his Newsweek pulpit:
rather than the leaking being a “shameful act,” it was the work of a patriot inside the government who was trying to stop a presidential power grab.

But of course the looney-tune Alter excoriates leaking the name of a minor CIA functionary as grounds for dismissal of the offending leaker. Uh huh.

Guess where the double standard's favorite employer resides? In the MSM, that's where!

Come to think of it, Kuttner probably plagiarized the idea for his Boston Globe rave from Alter’s last Newsweek rant, where he expostulated that
We’re seeing clearly now that Bush thought 9/11 gave him license to act like a dictator, or in his own mind, no doubt, like Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War.

Another thing we are seeing clearly is that with defeatist backbiting Dems trying to thwart the effort in Iraq at every turn, Bush resembles Lincoln in having to watch his back as much and as often as he does overseeing a military campaign.

The Dems may have dropped being the party of Rum and Romanism, but they still harbor elements that make them the party of Rebellion.

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