Wednesday, September 12, 2012

MSNBC Displays Latent Anti-Semitism

Larry O'Donnell makes a fool of himself several times each evening on his unwatched deployment of Dreck and happy horseshit on MSNBC. He isn't any worse than Rachel MadCow who has the redeeming feature of being occasionally correct, but her condescension always outs her as an intellectual freak [among other freaky traits]. Here's O'Donnell's latest screamer:
One point we know with Netanyahu, as Joe can tell you, anybody’s who’s who’s been in the room with Netanyahu, you don’t have to be with him long to know that there’s only one way, only one way, to get along with him and that is to agree with every single word he says, which Mitt Romney apparently does.

This was in comparison with Ayatollah Khamenai, whom O'Donnell regards evidently as the soul of flexibility!

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