Sunday, September 09, 2012

Chicgo Teachers' Union Goes on Strike

My shrink at Amoco doubled as shrink for the Chicago School Board, which could not come to terms with the Teachers' Union for the first time in a quarter century. I lived in Chicago from '91 to '00 and my daughter shared a baby-sitter with Rahm Emanuel, albeit three decades apart!! Here's the skinny:
More than 26,000 teachers and support staff are expected to hit the picket lines, while the school district and parents make plans for keeping students safe and occupied during the day.
The walkout comes after months of tense negotiations between Mayor Rahm Emanuel, the school board and union leaders at a time when unions and collective bargaining have come under criticism around the nation during difficult economic times.
District officials have made plans to feed and monitor students at 144 schools throughout the city during the strike

In Wisconsin, Gov. Walker stood up to the Teachers' Unions and a Referendum ginned up by Big Union bosses like Trumka fell on its face and, voila! a lot of teachers abandoned the greedy unreasonable unions that purported to speak for them in apocalyptic terms.
Chicago Public Schools has offered teachers a four-year contract with raises of 2 percent a year. The union says that's unacceptable, especially after Emanuel last year canceled a previously negotiated 4 percent raise, citing budget problems.
The union is also concerned about raises based on teacher experience and education; new evaluations; health benefits; and how a longer school day for students is being implemented.

My shrink Virginia Fox shared with me that her School Board clients underwent a lot of tension. With unreasonable union bosses demanding privileges no company in the private sector could ever grant their contract workers, the Chicago School Board has a lot to deal with, as does Boss Emanuel. For once, I hope Rahm uses that circumcised little pecker in his pants.

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