Thursday, November 16, 2006

Dead-Tree One, ON-Line Zero

The Washingtonian has a short article which unintentionally reveals the leftist bias of the Mainstream Media, but also disses those leftist bloggers who were thumping their chests and claiming credit for the GOP losses.

Under the headline "Another Election Winner, The Mainstream Media," author Harry Jaffe says:
In time, journalists freelancing as bloggers on the Internet might have greater impact on American elections, but if last week’s voting is any indication, the political landscape is still being painted by the reporters working for major media outlets.

There is simply no doubt in the MSM's mind that it is totally Democratic in its leanings and prejudices. This was extensively outlined by a UCLA/U of Missouri study last winter which gave the MSM a 70 on the Americans for Democratic Action scale, in which only rabid bomb-throwers get a 100 for leftist insanity. Even the WSJ and Drudge scored around 50 in this study which took THREE YEARS!

Guess what. The Mainstream Media did not report the study of its own very-left bias. Who wouldda thunkit? The old days of Pravda and Izvestia are still with us, only now it's the NYT and the Washington Post.

If you have any doubts, just click on the link above.

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