Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"Occupy Wall Street" Protestor Paid $22/hr plus Overtime!

"The sad-sad Schmuck says his "benefactors" are "getting their money's worth" in the paycheck this sandwich-board for Obamacare and Soros-type Communism picks up daily for slacking with anti-bank and anti-WS signs at a bus stop.

Could it be more of Obunglere's "stimulus" funds funneled through a crooked union gang of thugs? Yesterday, commissar-for-BS Pelosi again accused the Tea Party protesters of "spitting on members of Congress" after this botox-queen paraded across Capitol Hill two years ago carrying an outsized gavel.

Now the lamestream MSM blames the GOP for not passing O'Bozo's jobs bill that he wants "NOW, RIGHT NOW" while stutter step Harry Reid mumbles on about no more filibusters. When the GOP sweeps the Senate in Nov. 2012, this BS machine will have to eat his own product. Obungler can't even get the Demonrat Senate to pass his jobs bill, but the gutless spineless half-breed blames the GOP.

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