Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wikileaks: 35 Guantanamo Inmates Recruited by British-based Mullahs

Al Qaeda's largest single base of recruitment of English-speaking terrorists was inFinsbury Park Mosque, long a source of complaints by those fighting terrorism and now discovered by a massive Wikileaks dump to be even more of a hub of recruitment and coordination against those doughty conservatives who fight the British nanny-state's coddling of terrorist Mullahs. It seems that the Wikileaks revealing British incompetence and feckless insoucience are so numerous as to make WhiteHall and MI6 the laughingstock of diplomatic and intelligence activities in Europe. Maybe the US should take the French approach and use more tough love, or even forget about the "love" part. There follows a whole string of embarassments that the feckless Brits will not live down for a long time. It's worthy of note that the Daily Telegraph has the journalistic integrity to publish these self-condemning documents, while the Guardian, the BBC, and other corrupt terrorist collaborators deflect the total cock-ups into a diatribe against the US in Guantanamo in general.

The Daily Telegraph has a whole page of articles linked to Wikileaks highly-classified US cables describing methods and results of extensive interrogations over several years at Gitmo.

Shaker Aamer is a case particularly embarassing to the Brit conservative government since the Foreign Secretary Hague has been waging a high-level campaign to get Aamer released for family and humanitarian reasons, only to have the Wikileaks reveal damning information on this specially-recruited personal translator for Osama bin Laden who has pledged to give his life for the cause. Fuck the wife and kids, I wanna die a glorious martyrdom...!!!

Even more embarassing to the Brits was the revelation by the classified documents that their chief Afghan political ally
Mullan Haji Rohullah, who was subsequently transported to Guantánamo, was paid more than £300,000 of British taxpayers’ money to eradicate his poppy crops. But he instead allegedly supported al-Qaeda and helped terrorists escape allied forces — while continuing to act as a major drugs trafficker.
The revelation raises new questions over the payment and monitoring of international aid in Afghanistan in the aftermath of the invasion in 2001.
The international development budget, which has recently been embroiled in controversy over the appropriateness of some expenditure, is one of the only areas of the British public sector which is not facing cuts under the Coalition.
Farming poppies for opium was a major source of income to the Taliban, with heroin being trafficked around the world. Rohullah, who was based in Konar province, met the British ambassador in Afghanistan to discuss the eradication scheme and agreed that farmers in the area would receive $250 (£152) an acre to stop growing poppies.
Rohullah is also linked to British intelligence services in the Guantánamo files.

Sloppy MI6 and Military Intelligence can't explain how $500 million in pounds was sent to one of Al Qaeda's chief collaborators and the fact that Mulan Haji Rohullah was both the major player to eradicate poppy crops, but clandestinely was running an immense drug selling operation right under the Brits' noses.
...according to the documents, “it appears detainee [Rohullah] was not only receiving money from selling poppies when he claimed he was prohibiting them from being grown in Konar province, but he was also receiving financial aid from the British”.
Using development funding, the British apparently gave $6 million (£3.6  million) to a close associate of Rohullah, of which $3.5 million was distributed to tribal leaders.
Rohullah, who was arrested in 2002 but has since been released, was also allegedly “linked to plots to kill leaders within the interim Afghanistan government”.
The files alleged that the “detainee had a tremendous negative impact on the people of the Kunar province”.
The “important politician” had previously travelled to Britain and met Abu Qatada, the radical cleric.
After Rohullah, 49, was arrested, his supporters held meetings to plan attacks on Americans.
The supporters discussed either suicide attacks against the US or capturing Americans “to hold as hostages for use in bartering” for Rohullah’s release.

Mullan Haji Rohullah was a focal point in the different approaches that the Brits and Americans took to stop the drug exports:
According to the US WikiLeaks documents, Rohullah “had dealings with the United Kingdom and the Pakistani ISID [Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate].”
“He supposedly was in support of the Afghan Interim Administration,” state the files, but allegedly he was "really conducting operations that undermined the transition process.”
The payments to Afghan farmers to stop growing poppies for the production of heroin have been a controversial part of the overseas development funding since 2001.
The British supported payments to farmers to destroy the crops, whereas the US preferred to encourage them to grow other crops.
The British Government spent more than £290 million on a three-year-programme of eradication, support for farmers and pursuit of drug barons and traffickers.

Lockerbie is the source of still another embarassing revelation concerning the release of the sole convicted terrorist in the Lockerbie terror-bombing.
The cable states: "The [US] Deputy said the UK government needed to understand the sensitivities in this case, and noted he was acutely aware of the concerns of Lockerbie victim's groups from his previous time in government."
Mr Megrahi was controversially released on compassionate grounds seven months later after being diagnosed with cancer.
Last night the victim's families were furious that British diplomats actively lobbied to stop the US intervening in Megrahi's release.
Kathleen Flynn, whose son John Patrick died in the bombing, said: "It is disgraceful that the British were complicit in his release. This man was a killer who took 270 innocent lives but was allowed go free and live the life of riley in Tripoli."
Sir Nigel Sheinwald also reportedly gave Gaddafi's son, Saif, help with his PhD thesis. The doctorate awarded him by the London School of Economics was already thought suspect because he followed it with a £1.5 million donation. Mr Sheinwald denied the allegation, saying he met Saif Gaddafi while he was writing his thesis but had not helped him.
In February the Daily Telegraph revealed how the British government secretly advised Gaddafi's Libyan regime on how to secure the early release of the Lockerbie bomber.
According to a diplomatic cable a foreign office minister sent Libyan officials detailed legal advice on how to use Al-Megrahi's cancer diagnosis to ensure he was freed from a Scottish prison.
A week later David Cameron released a cache of Cabinet Office documents relating to the release which confirmed that the then Labour government did "all it could" to make sure al-Megrahi was released from jail.
Senior Labour Cabinet ministers always denied being involved in any backstairs deals over the release in August 2009, yet a secret Foreign Office memo referred to a "game plan" to facilitate Megrahi's move to Libya.
Sir Gus O'Donnell, the cabinet secretary, said in an analysis of the papers: "Once Megrahi had been diagnosed with terminal cancer in September 2008, (government) policy was based upon an assessment that UK interests would be damaged if Megrahi were to die in a UK jail."
A Foreign Office spokesman said: "We do not comment on leaked documents."

Meanwhile, Abdel0Basset al Megrahi's illness turned out to be a ruse and he walks around a healthy man today despite perfidious Albion and her sister stupid Scotland's insistence that the terrorist was at death's door two years ago.

And poor John Patrick Flynn is still dead.

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