Sunday, May 02, 2010

Fox Butterfield Clone in Seattle???

Fox Knocking Back a High Hard One

Christopher Parker is the head of the University of Washington Institute for the Study of Ethnicity, Race and Sexuality, which immodestly goes by the acronym Wiser. Why not UWiser, you ask? Ask Parker, who is taken seriously by Newsweak, mag for unthinking brain-dead libtards, in an article titled "Are Tea Partiers Racist?" in its unread online sewage spew. Jon Meacham and Evan Thomas will be first before the firing squads when the accounts are settled for the treason party's wild attempt at a coup d'etat is thwarted. The twisted logic of Parker in arriving at his contorted conclusions that Tea Party activists are "racially resentful" makes a pretzel look like I-95 in comparison. [For the non-cognoscenti, Fox Butterfield rivals Norah O'Donnell in vacuous libtard emptiness on their top floors---Butterfield's contribution to the journalistic Annie Hall hall of fame is "Prison population growing despite reduction in crime." For retarded liberals, let me explain---crimes rates were falling because bad guys were behind bars and the term “Butterfield Effect” became standard to describe the failure of someone to put 2 + 2 together. Butterfield and fellow retard Charlie Rose are great buddies and CR loves to suck up Fox's libtard spew. And Butterfield has a Canadian grandfather, so the retardation isn't all self-administered.]

Read Taranto's gleeful unmasking and de-clothing of Parker & his "Wiser" clueless clowns which, of course, was cited by dodo-Meacham & dodissima O'Donnell as more proofs of that "racism" these Commie cadres keep discerning among Tea Party activists.

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