Thursday, August 17, 2006

Remember Term Limits? California Forgets and Redistricts and Gerrymanders its Way Out of Accountability

The preposterous hypocritical nanny-state legislators of California are in the process of cementing a permanent Senate/House oligarchy into place as a tyranny of the incumbency asserts itself in the once-paragon-of-clean-government Golden State.

Whew! Read all about it in Bill Bradley's New West Notes:
The November ballot already has a large, cumbersome, complex, and very costly set of propositions being put before the voters. The electorate is clearly skeptical of initiatives and of the professional political class, as witness the June primary results. The seemingly apple pie and motherhood issue of taxing the rich for preschool went down in spectacular fashion even though the campaign against it was hardly a juggernaut, its only TV ad a 45-second spot jammed into 30 seconds featuring obvious actors badly directed. Even an inoffensive library bond measure with no public opposition failed.

This does not seem a good time to make the case for changing term limits and doing redistricting reform. In the larger scheme of things, each is a relatively esoteric issue. Each would require a major public education campaign as to the need for it. This was one of the mistakes made last year by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, lumping redistricting reform in with three other initiatives.

Don't blame the Governator, blame the "professional political class" that foists Reiner-type preschool ballot scams onto the electorate paid for by taxpayer money. It seems the lotus-eating electorate, or whoever it is out there that shows up at the polls, has the measure of these self-serving nannycrats.

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