Wednesday, January 11, 2006

ARLEN bitch-slaps TEDDY

I almost drove off the road laughing as I listened to Arlen Specter demolish the degenerate drunk from Massachusetts after, who else, Teddy made a fool of himself trying to insist that Sen. Specter must have got a letter that the over-the-hill former philanderer sent back in December. Given the quality of Kennedy's thought-processes and the mistakes his staff makes on a frequent basis, Specter was absolutely resolute that he had not received the letter about CAP Kennedy says that he sent last December.

Then the blustering blowhard insisted that the Committee go into Executive Session to vote on subpoenaing the CAP records, which might show that Judge Sam had, what, paid his dues or actually gone to a meeting? Sen. Specter bitch-slapped the chronic drunk into near sobriety by reminding him that Specter was running the Committee. Kennedy blurted incoherently that he would continue to press for a vote "again and again and again" [although given his attention span, he might forget the whole thing].

Judge Sam artfully reminded the neurologically-challenged boor from Mass. that his main reason for joining CAP was because of Princeton's disrespect for the ROTC.

Count on Schumer and Biden to be as ineffective as Kennedy in making any coherent case against Judge Sam, who obviously is one or two standard deviations above almost all the Committee Dems on the IQ charts [Feingold might be as smart], which of course Dems do not believe are a true measure of intelligence. They have to believe that, being merely average or, in Kennedy's case, a two-digit moron no longer capable of doing much except drooling into the mike.

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