Tuesday, December 13, 2005

NYT on conservative blogs

The pathetic couple of paragraphs the exempt media Liberal Death Star printed over the weekend displays the utter and absolute cluelessness inside the NYT bubble. Michael Crowley’s flatulent assertion that “liberals use the Web to air ideas and vent grievances with one another, often ripping into Democratic leaders” is contrasted with “Conservatives, by contrast, skillfully use the Web to provide maximum benefit for their issues and candidates.” This might be true with qualifiers, to a certain extent. Conservatives certainly do tend to have better written blogs, at least from my limited perusal, while liberals tend to hysteric invective which makes the next sentence in this hack’s foreshortened screed, namely that “[conservatives] are generally less interested in examining every side of every issue and more focused on eliciting strong emotional responses from their supporters…” directly contrary to fact.

The hyper-manic invective of DailyKos and Eschaton, for example, reflects their readership, whose vocabulary, outside of obscenities and scatological references[!], is devoid of descriptive and nuanced analysis. Raw emotions and accusations of being paid for blogging are normal from the left any time they are contradicted. And President Bush summons insane screeching from the maniac left.

Crowley may have one point. Drudge and Limbaugh between them have a gigantic audience, and both plug into conservatives like Michelle Malkin and others who are also being picked up by Fox TV. Complaints that this gives the conservatives an advantage derive from the NYT’s clueless ignorance about the MSM being somewhat left-of-center, and CNN is to the left of the MSM, now that Anderson Cooper has stolen Aaron Brown’s balanced point-of-view and hijacked it leftwards.

But my favorite blogger remains the libertarian polymath Richard Posner, whose attitude from cats to acts of God remains centered on self-development. God bless the University of Chicago!

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